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YAHOO! Looks like things are getting back to normal- well the new normal!

Manning Valley Dressage and Hack Club are running a Members only Protocol Day, on the 28th June and a T-Shirt Day on the 11th of July.

Protocol Day - You nominate the test of your choice. At your allocated time you present to the judge as you would at a competition and proceed to ride your test, you are judged as they would in a competition scenario. The test is penciled and you will get to review the comments after- Once you have finished your test, remain on the arena and the Judge will then join you to discuss the flow of the test, and where they think you can improve from a Judges perspective.You will be allocated up to 25 minutes with the Judge.

Most of all, this is a very valuable, fun training opportunity for MVDHC members- NOT TO BE MISSED!!!

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